Re: While back to our normal programming, we can talk about easy things
Re: Re: While back to our normal programming, we can talk about easy things -- eDrek Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lesley ®

01/21/2021, 17:20:55
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yes, I have a high ranking that I don't honestly think I should have, but I expect it will have dropped with that 4H bid!

the funny thing is that twice my brother has got up my nose about the way I played a hand and he is right, I played it wrong but somehow when you look at the results I have made an extra trick to everyone else and I think I am literally being rewarded for not knowing how to play for the odds as well as the rest of the field.  

I have a good cat story to tell.  Right now my cat Lily is sitting curled up in my chair on the verandah.  She has got her soft sleek furry look back like the pampered cat she is, hand fed on prawns fresh off the trawler.

It is a peaceful feeling - that quiet peaceful sunny feeling that drew me to this area in the first place.  and I am glad to have her back in the house with me.  It has been weeks maybe months she has been out in the garden.  tough times for both of us.  and I didn't understand why.

The timing of it all comes down to a lily.  A white hippeastrum with a flower spike budding up.  It is a very long story if I go into detail but avoiding all detail let me just say it was the point at which my tenant felt offended by my lack of blind belief in her version of reality.  Weeks, months later it gets brought up again along with the latest problem and again this insistence from her and I say demanding I believe her contrary to the evidence is not sufficient response.  and omg the shit hit the fan her behaviours escalated.

It was like I knew she was a bit nuts with all the shifting conspiracy theories and so on but I didn't know how much.

I knew she had been difficult with me but I did not realise it was psychic warfare.  I knew she was messy, I didn't mind that but I just didn't know how messy she'd been - I went from accommodating to pushing and she responded fast.  

The first night she was not sleeping here Lily came back into the house, and slept by my head all night.  then she was in and out while the packing up went on for an endless week but now she is gone and we are back to normal.  well I don't have an income and will have to spend a bit to get the flat fixed and I am not ready to let anyone here again at the moment, but I have enough in the bank til I work out my next step.  and so happy to have Lily back like I never lost her, she is just as I always thought she was only even better.

it's just so corroborating.  I find it fascinating.  It's not just Lily, now the water dragons who had unaccountably disappeared are back too.  always I have believed that where I am on the same page as other creatures as well as humans then it is a good basis for reality mapping - I am standing on planet earth.  This is twice now Lily has led the way out of a toxic bubble.  she's been so brave.

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