Re: While back to our normal programming, we can talk about easy things
Re: Re: While back to our normal programming, we can talk about easy things -- 13 Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lesley ®

01/24/2021, 13:33:26
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yes we got vaccination plans that seem to be going quite well, they are taking their time developing systems with our biggest transport company for roll out and talking like they will want everyone to take the vaccine but it is possible I will be exempt because of the risk of anaphylactic shock being so high with me.

but beyond my personal risk there are more general worries -  like everything else the materials used to create medicines are always trending to cheaper options and I imagine under the impetus of such high volume demand they have gone cheaper yet.  To me, the canary down the mine, what I observe is that it's not necessarily the active ingredient it's the fillers that can make me sick.  Like cleaning products, I have to stay away from the ones with fragrances.  I wouldn't mind wearing a mask to walk down the aisle of cleaning products in the supermarket but I still like the smell of Domestos, a household bleach.  and they know it - when you look at the products they market for allergy sufferers they are all fragrance free.  and let's not forget that factory in France making exploding breast implants out of cheap secondhand oil.

so vaccine concern A - such shoddy production values it makes numbers of people sick.

B - that it becomes like the flu shot where new vaccines are required every season and that feeds into concern A and also into concern C -  the things that suck our blood - they will all be intimately affected by the vaccine won't they?  

The connection between ticks and red meat allergy is substantiated by research, but why did it happen.  When I went to hospital with the tick bite that did it to me the doctor told me he was worried, that I was the 4th case in a week that needed hospitalising (small country hospital) and it was unprecedented - people didn't use to collapse from a tick bite. 

So once you get it that's it, even now all these years later I would be horribly sick if I ate beef.  I heard of a woman who said she thought it was the cow's revenge which was very funny but I tend to believe they're the meat in the sandwich and the tick's saliva is being affected by the cattle dipping.  that's why I'm worried about the vaccine.

I might be worrying unnecessarily of course, it could be that the insecticide wasn't involved at all or the ticks were affected by the direct touch of it on the cow's skin and it is not from drinking the blood - that once the vaccine is in the blood it is safe, we have already assimilated it - I doubt if much funding is available to answer questions like these, but I'd be interested to know what the microbiologists might think.  I do know they are worried about the effects of all the antibiotics we have already been taking, measuring them in waterways.  

Vaccination looks like it is going to be a massive ongoing medication event.  but you know I'm not really worried, there's far too many things to choose from to pick on the effects of modern medicine on mosquitoes.  It's sort of like watching the approaching giant meteorite and thinking I wish I'd remembered to put the milk in the fridge.  Besides, it's hard to worry when I am so happy having my little cat back inside.

Modified by lesley at Sun, Jan 24, 2021, 13:42:38

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