Re: Focus Sessions
Re: Re: Focus Sessions -- lakeshore Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
Aquinas ®

10/16/2023, 22:31:33
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Lakeshore - I have seen this repeated in so many different religions, all because people seem to need or at least want some kind of transformative being/ experience/ life etc. Both before and after the guru, I tried to find this in different ways. And so many premies were doing drugs before rawat because they were looking for something transcendent too. I never did drugs, but my addiction was always for spiritual type experiences. I was a sucker because I was so desperately seeking something I could surrender to. 

I have seen this most recently in the followers of trump. They don't care what the truth is - they want so much to believe in him and to surrender control of their lives to him so they accept the cognitive dissonance of his actions/words when compared with reality. It is so much easier to be a child than to be a parent, and that means a lot of people will willingly give over control of their minds to complete fakes and frauds to someone who promises them things they want to believe in and frees them of all resonsibility. I know, I have been sucker so many times because I sincerely wanted to believe that something was true. 

I think it is a bit of disease (at least it was for me) - like romantic love, that lets you overlook all the faults and obvious warning signs in a relationship. Danger, Will Robinson! 

Yes, we are personally responsible for our own actions, but when the con artist, or flim flam person, uses our own vulnerabilities against us, then the real blame lies with them. I truly do hope there is such a thing as karma, but being the cynic I am today, I find it hard to believe that there will actually ever be any justice for evil doers. But I can still fantasize about it!

Modified by Aquinas at Mon, Oct 16, 2023, 22:33:05

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