Re: Just calling a spade a spade, GOK
Re: Re: Just calling a spade a spade, GOK -- godonlyknows Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
PatD ®

11/04/2004, 20:08:39
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(4) '"I am a human being, and you are a human being," says Maharaji, "and that is the basis of this relationship."'

- Is that a lie? No, not unless you believe Maharaji is not a human being!

Wossat mean? Now you're going to have to explain 'exalted status', which you agreed is a fair definition of your view of this particular human being.

Just to go off on a tangent...........seeing as you are an Irishman with a Northern accent, did you ever come across an initiator name of Basil?  I remember this guy as one of the illuminati; sincere to the depths of his soul, lit up like a Christmas tree from within, & very kind hearted.  Intelligent too.

You wouldn't be him by any chance.


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