Not a problem. GOK reminds me of Steve when he first arrived here. No Steve, that isn't an insult. I hope GOK has the same inquiring mind that Steve eventually displayed, too! (See, Steve, no insult).
It's too late now, GOK has to admit that there is something very wrong. It can happen now or later, but it will happen. Lying, especially "spiritual" lying, NEVER had the desired effect. Those that have practiced it have always payed the price. Someone finds out and the whole house of cards falls over.
I think the thing that GOK doesn't realize, as others didn't when they first arrived here, is a simple fact........ a very simple fact........ WE ALL wanted to believe. WE ALL wanted to be liberated! WE ALL wanted to excuse every inconsistent thing we experienced "in our lives." WE ALL wanted him to be LOTU...... ALL OF US! I mean...... peace, the end of suffering, the garden of eden, liberation, samahdi, nirvana, you name it WE ALL wanted it! Nothing less would do! WE ALL wanted the giant enchilada in the sky! WE ALL WOKE UP!
The dream was just a dream...... those that really got into the dream, the ashram premies (for example), woke up hard! Joe, Jim, Jean-M, etc, those guys REALLY woke up hard! You can hear it in their posts. It wasn't easy and they had EVERYTHING invested in the dream!
So, with that little piece of info, I think GOK can now realize that we aren't a bunch of crazed/crazy people who hate M for some non-descript reason. In fact, I don't really think that anyone here actually hates M at all. We just pity those that have fallen into the trap and have yet to wake up. WE ALL know that the longer you are in the dream, the worse the wakeup call will be. We air our dirty laundry over and over and over to try to get the word out about this con. We talk and talk and talk....... We write and write and write, with an occasional break..... What for? To help these other folks wake up and realize that they have been had! So that they, like us, can start to really LIVE their lives as best they can, just like every other human being wants to do Man, if that isn't love for a fellow human being, I don't know what is (short of dying for the sake of someone else, I think that's about it!).
NASA: I tell ya........ Hubble was/is one of the best things that has come along in awhile. The detail in those photos is not just scientifically significant, but is downright beautiful! It's just the beginning, too. The instruments that we have recently placed up there, the ones that see in non-visible spectrum, are revealing even more! Amazing stuff, no? Since I received my first scope, as a kid, I KNEW I wanted to be in astrophysics/astronomy/whatever. Little did I realize then, well maybe I realized it some, that it would come to this. Who says technology sux?