And you don't think you are brainwashed?
Re: Re: You wouldn't be him by any chance -- godonlyknows Top of thread Forum
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11/05/2004, 13:31:48
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GOK, this line alone proves that you are, " one time in my life...."  That is a standard m'ism.  It's redundant to answer a question about anything that way.  Do you think that you were being asked that question from the point of view of some "other person's life?"  Of course it's "in my life."  Sheesh!

The things m says are not profound or revelatory in any way whatsoever. 

I won't go so far as to say you are lying, period.  Rather, I would say that you are lying to yourself if you think those godhood claims weren't genuine.  M said them, plain and simple.  M promoted the thoughts, plain and simple.  EV is lying about all of it, plain and simple!

I spend significant time with Asian-Indian IT folks in large numbers.  They are almost all practicing Hindus.  We have had some spirited (and extremely polite) conversations with regard to that religion.  These are some fine folks who know quite well what all of these "words" mean REALLY mean!  According to ALL of those same lifelong practicing Hindus, EV's remarks are WRONG!  100 percent WRONG!   If you decide to argue with those people about this...... you will lose!  Hindus DO NOT call anyone LOTU unless they truely believe that the person in question is GOD IN HUMAN FORM!  The absolute, almighty, one, ATMAN (as opposed to jivatman)!  Got it?  If EV is claiming otherwise, they are either totally ignorant of the truth of Hinduism and the Idian people OR they are LYING!  Either way, they are promoting total ignorance of the subject at hand.  That ALONE should make you question your affiliation and support for that organization. 

DAMN!  Go ask a REAL hindu, yourself!  A real hindu would be defined as an Asian-Indian that actually has lived the religion AND has done so all of their lives.  It must be so because that is THEIR culture, not ours (natively speaking).  Find someone that IS NOT a follower of M (that will be easy, by the way).  Just like I would prefer to speak with a scholar of the greek language when speaking about bible translations as opposed to someone of a particular christian sect/cult.  That way you are likely to get an answer that is less biased.  I've done this, in this regard, and the result was unanimous....... Indians (one's that actually hail from India and call it home) are not anxious to call someone a liar, that is just not their way.  In fact, we have to teach many of them how to say NO to someone in authority where I work.  That is harder than you think, too.  They are some very very very nice folks and alot more serene than any premie I have ever met.  IN fact, I would study hinduism under them (if I were so inclined) just because they actually WALK THE WALK!  Anyway, they are UNANIMOUS in their response to the EV stuff!  It ain't pretty!  EV is lying or is totally ignorant, there is NO OTHER CHOICE!  To be honest, when I showed this stuff to many of them, they just started laughing at the ignornace of it all.  I kid you not!  Since I KNOW there are people in EV that have spent significant time in India..... I have to assume they are LYING!  They know better..... period! 

You, on the other hand, are duped!  While it is now up to you to wake up, it isn't your fault that you fell for this tripe.  When you ask a question, you would expect someone to tell you the truth, right?  Sure you would.  Unfortunately, you found someone (EV) that doesn't.  This should be pursued by premies, it really should.  Do you want YOUR name associated with a liar?  Premies should straighten this one out.  Screw waiting for m to fix it....... YOU GUYS should fix it!  Tell the damned truth!  You KNOW what LOTU means.  You KNOW what Guru means!  You KNOW what satguru/avatar means!  Put the definitions ont he EV site or stop giving them money until they do...... without the damed spin or lying!  Really, it's that easy..... just do it! (sorry Nike.... had to borrow your trademarked phrase).

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  • Hi NAR! --- dant ( Fri, Nov 05, 2004, 14:43:35 ) ( 215 bytes ) +1