Re: He also offers you a medicine, a solution
Re: Re: He also offers you a medicine, a solution -- godonlyknows Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Hilltop ®

11/04/2004, 00:37:01
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OK Gok,

Here is a much longer post leading up to that quote (so that it isn't out of context like you say) but you will have to read this attachment first on Page 36 that comes before the "And the Perfect Master, Guru Maharaj Ji, because he is a doctor of this mind, can cure this mind." quote which is on Page 37.

Prem Rawat's talk given in Lima, Peru on January 14th 1976. As printed in Prem Rawat's magazine "And It Is Divine" Winter, 1976 Volume 3, Issue 4, Page 36.

Everyone can apply their own understanding to it ~ if they want too. I think that's fair. Hilltop

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Modified by Hilltop at Thu, Nov 04, 2004, 01:23:20

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