Re: ***Here's where Rawat says Jesus revealed Knowledge...*** (Amended)
Re: ***Here's where Rawat says Jesus revealed Knowledge...*** (Amended) -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Hilltop ®

11/05/2004, 21:30:12
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Hi Cynthia,

I was gonna respond to your post last night but the electric went out because of high winds so I just went to bed.

I like how you critique Prem Rawat's quotes and I really appreciate that. I've always valued your words and what you have to say. So Thanks too!

Here's another little quote by Prem Rawat where he talks about "surrender your life to God and/or surrender your life to him."

Prem Rawat's talk called "No Limit" Philadelphia, Pa. ~ August 25, 1978 as printed in the Divine Times ~ September/October 1978 Volume7, Number 6, Page 10.

Thanks again Cynthia ~ Sincerely, Hilltop

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