GrOKaganda from Dr GOeKkels
Posted by:
Paddy ®

11/03/2004, 23:59:31
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Any person claiming to be a premie that posts on this site receives constant and repetitive questioning that demands a logical and coherent answer to every Rawatism loose end, evasion and lie.

Any reasonably aware and intelligent ex-premie knows that such a complete, coherent positive answer to Rawat's life and shoddiness isn't possible but many fail to see that GOK/JONX/ETCOX are not posting in an attempt to supply this but merely to muddy the waters with enough surface revisionism to suit the occasion. The Rawat brains trust knows that anyone who examines the Rawat phenomenon closely enough will discover the holes, evasions and lies that attempt to put a positive gloss on Rawatism but they are not wasting their resources on those people.

As most people will never bother to examine the situation closely enough before becoming involved (the tiny minority) or making the politest excuses they can come up with quickly to those who invited them to enter Rawat World (the majority) they only need to provide the optimum required amount of spin. Of course Rawat's Jesuits have not done a very good job of defending him either because they are not clever enough or their better judgement is clouded by devotion and anger at his detractors or maybe it's just Rawat's aura of incompetence and nastiness that clouds their judgement.

However, they're learning. Anyone with a modicum of discrimination could see that having JONX and his cohorts/aliases post on this site is helpful only to the few very committed premies who might read them because of the nasty tone of the posts, the lack of ethical standards and integrity and the contemptuous judgements and and the signature pretence of supercilious superiority "been there, done thatism, I'm the coolest of the coolest" that the author drops.

Far better to have a pretence of sweetness in posts such as GOK's where grokaganda can be sown in passing. "Knowledge doesn't suit everyone", "But I CAN say that practicing Knowledge helped ME greatly in finding the strength and patience and positivity to deal with these two people", "Maharaji and Knowledge certainly helped me", understanding Maharaji is an experience, etc

I'm not so paranoid to necessarily believe that is what GOK is deliberately doing but if I was part of Rawat's highly paid public relations team it's what I'd recommend.

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