another cult , another unique master ,a bit(OT)
Posted by:
toby ®

11/04/2004, 01:52:38
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Inspired by Andries, i followed a link to eckankar at wikipedia and from there to an article from a former eckankar-member.
Not only the similarities in the critics are interesting. Eckankar is a mixture of Sant Mat/Radhasoami, Scientology and others.(wild wild world of spiritual deliriousness) .
an example:

"Eckists have said that detractors (critics of Eckankar) are people who quit Eckankar because it didn't work for them, or because they failed at the path, and thus can't be taken seriously. In other words, we're hopelessly biased against Eckankar, largely because we're angry that we didn't make the grade."


Related link: Here the link
Modified by toby at Thu, Nov 04, 2004, 01:55:59

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