Darshan dreams
Posted by:
Bunny ®

10/29/2004, 06:55:31
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I had a most peculiar 'darshan dream' two nights ago. I was doing undercover 'service' on M's plane with him and his family whilst doing my best not to give away my ex-status. Suddenly he sat down in the back and started sobbing uncontrollably:

"I have failed, I will never bring peace to the world now as I promised".

"Oh no", I thought, "perhaps he was genuine after all and I blew it becoming a judas ex when I should have been propogating".

The idea was so ridiculous that I woke up and remembered what he had been busy doing when he should have been propogating and bringing peace to the world!

I hardly ever dream about M these days - the last time must be over a year ago - and when I have, I no longer awake 'blissed out' as I did for the 25 years I was an active premie. I wake up relieved that I am no longer living that delusionary dream in Maharaji's La La land.


Modified by Bunny at Fri, Oct 29, 2004, 07:01:27

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