Re: And also: did K show us God?
Re: Re: And also: did K show us God? -- godonlyknows Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Will ®

10/04/2004, 15:11:16
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For my tastes, you are too wishy-washy on this one.  I prefer to pin things down as strictly as possible and to use the English language as precisely as we can on this and all other issues about spirituality.  If we want to really talk, we need to define our terms a little more carefully than premies are used to, and more carefully than Rawat is inclined to do.

God and peace and fulfillment and love are all different things.  It is possible to experience love and to remain unsure about God.  If fact, I would say that there have been times that I have experienced love, many times, but there have been no times that I have had a direct, conscious, and full experience of God.   I think that all my fellow human beings can probably say the same things about themselves, except for those who blatantly claim to be God-realized.  And yet, I think it is not untrue to say that God is love.  So I think you see the importance of speaking carefully here.

It's easiest to simply speak for oneself, honestly.  I say that Rawat did not reveal God to me.  I think you, Gok, would probably make the same statement, but maybe not???

And that leads us to whether or not Rawat revealed anything to me.  I say: no.  This answer may or may not surprise you.  But my view is that Rawat teaches four meditation techniques, and what I experienced using these techniques is something that is innate to me, which I experienced before, and which cannot be said to have been revealed by Prem Rawat. 

(By the way,  I received Knowledge from Jagdeo, and at the time, I was led to believe that Jagdeo was channeling God's grace to me through Rawat.  Jagdeo was also busy at that time sexually molesting children.  He even had actual sexual intercourse with an eight-year-old girl soon after my Knowledge session).

I meditated before I received Knowledge.  And what I experienced during the time I was practicing Knowledge is not different.  I had experienced peace.  I had experienced love.  I had experienced moments of fulfillment.  None of these things were revealed to me by Rawat.  And I do not believe that he is the owner or revealing of any of these innately human experiences.

Even if I had never meditated before, I did experience peace, and love, and fulfillment.  When I experienced them as a premie, there were not different than before, and now that I am an ex-premie, I can still feel those feelings.  The sole difference for premies is what they call the feeling and how they attribute it.  It used to be called "Holy Name," and now it is just usuall referred to as "inner peace."  I, myself, call it "love."

As far as it being "timeless," I think that this is Rawat's way of talking about something very, very vague and premies interpreting it in a simplistic way.  I do not personally claim to know what timeless is.  And I don't trust anyone who says that they do, including Rawat and his premies.

But the main point I want to make, from the viewpoint of having been on both sides of the premie fence, is that there is no different in the experience and the experience has nothing to do with Rawat, and premies who continue to attribute to Rawat some power to reveal the experience are only thinking in cultish terms without knowing it.



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