Re: propagation and revelations and humor
Re: Re: propagation and revelations and humor -- mike roark Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

10/01/2004, 06:25:58
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Hi Mike,I'm late replying to your  post as I'm rushing around busy like you at the moment!

When you first posted with your hilarious story about that other suspect Guru, I too went to the journeys page curious to know about you ( I'm quite new to the forum ).

I was stunned by the depth, breadth and above all the length of your contribution. It was thoughtfully written and you had put so much effort into it that I too felt obliged to make some effort in return and staggered along right  'til the end !

I have to say that much of it was way out of my experience or understanding but you clearly have a deep interest ( obsession about ?) in meditation, esoteric philosophies, gurus etc etc

When I have the time I will try to read your journey again and understand it better.

It seems to me that perhaps this is why you managed to go through your " Divinely Lit " premie phase and emerge unscathed and with no residual pain and bitterness, unlike many of us . After all it was all part of what seems to be your natural path through life.

I could relate to your journey about as naturally as I could to the journey of a headhunter in Borneo, so different is it to mine.

I was a fairly regular girl with no particular interest in gurus , meditation or India. I was interested in "love" and "peace" and finding out the true way to be a "good" person. I had a fairly strong Judeo/ Christian background but I was not religious in the prescribed sense. It hadn't occurred to me that the truth might be within.   

My encounter with Guru Maharaji Ji and Knowledge( in 1973 when I was just 19 years old) stopped the natural course of my life in its tracks, pulled every rug out from under my feet, screwed my head up, alienated me from my family,filled me with confusion, caused me to abandon university, lose all my friends.....I could go on and on. The repercussions continue to this day.

Wasted ? No ,I don't think my time was wasted . Bitter ? You bet I am.

When I think back to that time I still shake with negative emotion.

 Can you really not understand Mike why some of us are still in "recovery" ?

Modified by Lexy at Fri, Oct 01, 2004, 06:34:35

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