Help...Don't tell me I'm cursed aswell...!
Re: Re: curse of the English -- Mike Roark Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

10/05/2004, 12:24:20
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Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Re: " fun person "- I meant it. Re: " realised " soul - I was teasing. Although my carefully honed concept of a realised soul includes being "fun" .

Re: The Irish and curses .... I've been to Ireland, North and South, several times and of course millions of our Irish cousins and their descendants live here in England. For me and I think most other ordinary folk there just isn't and never was a problem ( I'm not talking about " history " just my everyday life ). It would never occur to me that I was "cursed " by something that has nothing to do with me!( although I was working in the City of London during the IRA bombing campaign of London in the late '70s ). I presume you were ruefully joking.

As for the experience of " love" , " bliss " etc or whatever it is. I still experience it. The only meditation I know is the one Rawat and , according to EPO and this forum , others also teach.

My encounter with Rawat and his circus definitely opened this possibility up to me its just that there was so much damaging ,mind warping crap ( maybe we can use bad language this far down the threads ) that went with it. As I said I was young and impressionable and very earnest !

Lots I could say but have to cook tea !

  All the very best to you,

Lexy xx.


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