Re: recovery
Re: Re: recovery -- Mike Roark Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

10/03/2004, 18:54:48
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Hi Mike,

You sound like great fun!  Maybe you're a realised soul ?

My humour is that very dry, sarcastic, rather black, English kind !

In my next life I would like to be one of those jolly , roly-poly types who giggles

loudly at the drop of a hat. As it is I'm a skinny , melancholy creature !

I'm going through about 3 or 4 parallel crisis in my practical life at the moment but

I will be in touch with a scholarly review of your treatise ( journey ) later in the

week ( only joking ! ).

Re: " I take full responsibility for being there in the first place...."

Maybe this is my first hurdle to try to clear, because I don't take full responsibility....I'm still confused about how all that happened to me.....

I was told about M. and K. ( a lot , by one premie who gave me a lot of personal attention ) then I had an incredibly powerful experience of  more- than- happiness ( bliss/ love  ) which lasted continuously for several days.For those few days I loved everybody and  everything, even my job! ( summer job as a barmaid !) I wasn't that struck by the Guru but figured that all would become clear once I had received K. and could feel this bliss all the time forever ( that's what I thought would happen ). I find it hard to take full responsibility because I was tricked. To this day I'm not entirely sure what the trick was but something wasn't quite kosher . I signed up for one thing and got something different. One of the reasons I'm posting on the forum is to try to make sense of it all.

( maybe that premie  just dropped a tab of acid in my drink? )

 Gotta go to bed. xx 


Modified by Lexy at Sun, Oct 03, 2004, 19:04:38

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