Re: Glossary
Re: Glossary -- Thorin Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
premie_spouse ®

09/22/2004, 12:10:33
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Thanks for the link to the glossary. That was a help to me, especially with that "sai chit babas au rhum", or whatever that thing is at the end of some posts. I know that's not how it's spelled, but it was as meaningless to me as if it had been. Now at least I know what it is supposed to mean!
Also, did Shri Hans have two wives? I distinctly remember, several years ago, hearing two premies, extrememly devout premies then and now, discussing his wives. The gist of it was something about how respectfully rawat treated both of them, even the one who wasn't his mother. Did I completely misunderstand what they were saying? I've never seen anything about this, but I was positive, then, that is what they were talking about. I didn't know if Shri Hans took a deceased relative's wife for her protection, or he had married a woman who was unable to have children and so took a second wife, or what, but it seeemed as if it was something like that they were discussing. It's possible that I completely misunderstood the entire conversation as premies, as do most cults, delight in using their own private jargon. If anybody can help with that, it would be great. Thanks.

Modified by premie_spouse at Wed, Sep 22, 2004, 12:12:22

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