Re: Some concern for present premies' mindset and health
Re: Re: Some concern for present premies' mindset and health -- nemesis Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

09/16/2004, 14:54:39
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A friend of mine, who has been a premie since she was a child, told me, a couple of years ago, that she had been asked to write a piece for the E.V. site. She took considerable time and effort to do this but those editing the site changed her story to cut out anything which didn't tie in with the current official line. She said she wanted it posted in it's original form or she wouldn't submit it. Guess what, it's not there ! She was upset and shocked by the autocratic attitude( especially as she had known the "editors" for years and trusted them ). Makes you wonder how true the other " expressions" are.

When I disclose true stories like this it's not for the sake of gossip ( we've probably all had a belly full of that ) it's to show firstly the gradual build up of things over the years to the point where I couldn't ignore it anymore and secondly, in the hope that it adds to the clarity of anybody emerging,like I am.

Modified by Lexy at Thu, Sep 16, 2004, 14:58:09

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