Re: Lexy, which EV site?
Re: Lexy, which EV site? -- JHB Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Thorin ®

09/16/2004, 17:08:00
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Lexy may be referring to the "what people say" section of

I know several people whos names appear in that section and their apparent "stories" are nowhere near the actual truth of what they are really like and feel in real life.

But facts never got in the way of a good story as far as the cult is concerned.

I remember whan Elan Vital were canvassing for these stories (this was a few months and weeks before the foundation site was opened).  The submission guidelines for stories were so tight as to make any submission pretty devoid of any real substance.  And so it proved.


Modified by Thorin at Thu, Sep 16, 2004, 17:08:47

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