Why do they perpetrate these unconscionable lies? I just think their minds are so twisted by all the brainwashing they have no idea anymore which way is up - they are also very afraid.
At, what was euphemistically called, a 'training' conducted by Valerio Pascotti he asserted that 'it is okay to do anything as long as one does it consciously'. When, not quite able to believe his ears, one member of the submissive audience asked 'what, ANYTHING?', the answer was 'yes'. Of course the unasked question that hung ominously in the air was, 'even murder?'.
I believe Mr. Rawat and his henchmen/women do not believe in god, and do not believe in society - they have not a sniff of a conscience between them and are therefore capable of anything, even the unthinkable. Cornered rats and all that!!