Yes, I agree the divine right of kings hasn't yet disappeared from the prevailing ideology, it just goes further underground. But an ideology is the result of the participation of all its members, and therefore ex-premies are a significant part of the ideology of divine love and knowledge as taught by Mr. Rawat/(Guru) Maharaji - (puts a whole new slant on 'Who is Guru Maharaji?', doesn't it?).
I think we need to clarify our terms - conscientious is sedulous in one's actions; conscience is the inner guide to right and wrong actions (some would argue this is hard-wired by god, others that it is the result of the evolution of human society, still others that as evolution is god's plan, it doesn't matter - but whatever its origin, we know it is the aspect of being human that is corrupted or absent in psychopaths and sociopaths); conscious is a state of waking awareness of one's world or situation, (this is the term that has been hijacked by Mr. Rawat to apply, I think, exclusively to awareness of his beliefs or 'teachings', although his use of the term is so woolly and confused it is very difficult to determine what he has in mind) or acting with intention.
So I think your last sentence should read:
'Conscientious behaviour only is required when directly serving miragey and in that case consciousness is an obstacle and conscience will get you a lawsuit'.