It wasn't my idea . . .
Re: I Never Said That I Was God -- Top of thread Forum
Posted by: ®

09/09/2004, 20:44:46
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From Elan Vital's FAQs:

Did Maharaji ever say he was God?

No, Maharaji never at any time claimed to be God. As an Indian national, when Maharaji first started teaching in the west when he was 13 years old, he used many examples from eastern traditions which demonstrated that a student seeking fulfillment could do so by choosing to follow the teachings of a guru or master. As he matured he realized that western traditions put a very different emphasis on the idea of guru and wrongly attributed messianic labels in this process. It is acknowledged that many people at the time were already looking for a messianic type figure. That Maharaji was not such a figure disappointed some people.

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Modified by at Thu, Sep 09, 2004, 22:21:38

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