On the headless murder case; I think that is still being investigated.Oh yes, very much so. I reckon that Scotland Yard has been dripping stuff from time to time into the papers, hoping to get more background from the public, & are absolutely determined to get to the bottom of it.
The latest speculation is that it has something to do with African witchcraft, involving body parts, & a possible trafficking network in said bits & pieces.
Maybe Glen could help us (I mean Larry of Elan Vital) out here?
I may be completely wrong, but if I were Knacker of the Yard, once the connection had been established between the BM & Malibu Prem, the 1st thing I would do, would be to put the screws on his nearest earthly representative, in order to find out just what this secret initiation consisted of.
Did Glen have to get clearance from Prem to reveal the techniques to someone whose only thirst would be for Highland Park whisky, or was Larry allowed to take an executive decision on that one, all on his own?
Inquiring minds want to know, but will probably be left forever in the outer darkness.
Heavens knows why Elan Vital are taking such a risk of putting out such a Press Release (or whatever it is they wrote) denying that they have anything to do with the Nigerian guy
Quite so, but I'm sure there's more to this than meets the eye.