Bizare in that I mean how people get to become involved in cults and whatnot.
I'm not surprised at all that Elan Vital are trying to put so much distance between themselves and their look alike cult in Nigeria. Here we have in sharp relief of how easy it is for people to follow Guru Maharaj Ji (the Nigerian one that is) based on some simple and false concepts. Concepts such as there being One that can show mortals the path to truth and God. Other concepts such as a bunch of second hand meditation techniques being the gateway to such truth and God awareness. Moreover concepts such as the need to be devoted to the One to be able to achieve such profound inner wisdom. Yes, I can definitly see why Elan Vital would wish to put distance between themselves and this Nigerian guy.
Heavens knows why Elan Vital are taking such a risk of putting out such a Press Release (or whatever it is they wrote) denying that they have anything to do with the Nigerian guy. Larry must realise that this brings attention to themselves. Maybe they think any PR is good PR? Personally I think they are being silly writing such stuff.
But Larry is definitely being economical with the truth, or at the very least he does not seem to have done much research on this Nigerian guy. I for one, and remember I was just a simple follower of Guru Maharaj Ji (the Malibu one I mean), remembers this Nigerian guy being around the Palace of Peace and being shown the techniques and then trumpeting the fact that he had 'realised' Knowledge. If I remember this guy then many others would do as well. Also we all know that 'bongo lists' were compiled and it is very likely that this guy (um the Nigerian sat guru, not the Malibu satguru - sheesh it all gets rather confusing!) would have been on the Palace of Peace 'bongo list'. Maybe such listing has now been destroyed/lost/mislaid? Maybe Glen could help us (I mean Larry of Elan Vital) out here?
One thing I do agree with what Larry says is that it is most unlikely that Prem Rawat would have passed his satguruship over to the Nigerian guy. I mean, why would he want to do something like that?
On the headless murder case; I think that is still being investigated. But dunno the exact details as to how that is progressing. There was a news item linking that case with (the Nigerian) Guru Maharaj Ji. If I get some time I'll see if I can dig up the original news story.