>Heavens knows why Elan Vital are taking such a risk of putting out such a Press Release (or whatever it is they wrote) denying that they have anything to do with the Nigerian guy
Quite so, but I'm sure there's more to this than meets the eye. <
As Dan said below - why are these people so weird ? There is almost nothing that 'organised premies' have done that makes any sense in the wider world - sure they get professional advice but it ends up filtered through their 'guru bubble' and spews out as so much nonsense.
Leblang's lie about the Nigerian Guru not having ever been in contact with an EV representative is probably based on the sophistry that any mahatma who may have 'initiated' the new Guru, was not a representative of EV and therefore no 'legal' relationship was ever established. It's an argument which raises some interesting possibilities - if authority to transmit the Rawat technics is vested with Elan Vital, at what point did EV acquire that authority and under what circumstances can EV deny Prem a place in the transmission ? And, should Daya ever wish to take over - will she have to have a licence from EV to practice guruship ?
I love the way Larry handles all this legal stuff, he's giving the carrion eaters the option to spend years pulling the Rawat/EV carcass to pieces. And just when will Raja Ji make a play to secure his personal piece of the empire before the whole lot slips into the Pacific. Lawyers at dawn before long I fear.