How do you know, Mike.........
Re: Re: Some quotes about the number of premies up to about 1990 -- Mike Finch Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

10/19/2005, 15:34:24
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..." when meeting people " , whether they are, or have ever been, premies ?

"I am constantly amazed when meeting people just how many got Knowledge and are thus in these 'premie' numbers. However, most of them only practised for a very short time, a few days, if in fact at all."

 Is there a secret handshake only known to an inner circle? ( but then you would only recognise inner circle premies).Do you say " How do you do ? Have you ever heard of Maharaji/ Rawat ?". Can you just tell by the clothes they wear , the vocab they use, their references to " when I frequently visited Miami , 25 years ago",their ownership of a camper van, occasional "slippage" into satsang style monologues, eating organic food that's often brown coloured , from jars with unusual labels on rock hard dark bread ??? How??

Maybe you wear a discreet DLM pin on your tie and people sometimes recognise it ? Have you still got one of those shiney LOTU head badges 1973/4 ( as seen on first page of EPO ) that you can't resist wearing on your lapel now and again and "once upon a time" premies are magnetically drawn to it ? 

How do you deal with the embarrassment, Mike? I'm so curious about these people you meet who you discover ( somehow) were premies. Please spill the (organic  beans and explain what you mean.



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