Re: How do you know, Mike.........
Re: How do you know, Mike......... -- Lexy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Mike Finch ®

10/20/2005, 01:38:06
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Like Joe said below, the topic just comes up in many different scenarios, particularly if you are talking about meditation or anything similar.

For instance, in the very recent past I was talking to a lady who teaches a Buddhist meditation, I mentioned I had been 30 years in a cult, and she told me she had gone to a program at Brighton in the 80's - she had stayed half an hour and left.

Also someone is doing some work for me at the moment, we got talking, and it turns out he got Knowledge in the early 70's, and practised for half an hour or something.

I also met someone recently who told me she had been to India once a long time ago, I asked her where she went, and she told me to this ashram in 1972 that was like a concentration camp. She had flown on one of the jumbos to the '72 Prem Nagar event, got Knowledge, practised while she was in India because she was too frightened not to, but when she got back to the US she never gave it another thought until 33 years later when she was talking about it to me.

So it goes on...

-- Mike

Modified by Mike Finch at Thu, Oct 20, 2005, 10:03:11

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