Re: How many nice premies did you know?
Re: Re: Oh dear -- bear Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
paddy ®

10/14/2005, 17:50:01
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As a person who thinks nearly all the premies he knows are nice and has even met premies he thought weren't nice in the past who seem to be nicer now I'm interested in your comment.

So I have a few questions:

When did you "receive Knowledge"?
When did you "leave Knowledge"?
What country are your from?
How many premies lived in your "local community"?
Were you active in your "local community"?
How many premies did you know?
How many premies were friends?
How many of the ones you know/knew were "nice"?
How many of the ones who were friends you know/knew were "nice"?

I'd really like you to answer the questions and I'l love it if other ex-premies (or premies for that matter) answered them as well.

I've found that most ex-premies talkk about themselves and their "experiences in Knowledge" and their present understanding of Knowledge and Rawat but little of the bigger picture of their involvement and I'm often curious.

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