Re: ***AN IMPORTANT POST!*** Burning Pedantry
Re: ***AN IMPORTANT POST!*** -- Karen K Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
NikW ®

10/16/2005, 07:04:04
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                I certanly wouldn't dispute your Inquisition comparison .... but the European middle ages don't deserve the blame for mass witch burning - this was a  largely post medieval phenomenon and a protestant rather than Catholic prediliction. Of course heretic burning was a major initiative of the Roman church from the 12thC onwards.

The later witch trials actually rarely resulted in burning as the cost had to be borne by the civil authorities who frequently baulked at the shilling a fagot cost of firewood - hanging was a far more frequent sentence.

The last execution for witchcraft in England was 1684 - 1722 in Scotland and 1775 in Germany. And puritan America was hardly immune.

Premies of course can't see any reason to think they have any connection to persecution activies - they simply put the acts of actual violence down to the act of an aberent few in a 'it's nothing to do with me' alibi of their cult supporting mindset.



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