Janet, I hope your brilliance will allow you to find a perspective that kisses him with the knowing that onward is what he has embarked on.
My mother in law lives with us, when her brother died young, she was there, and he said "eleanor, my angels are coming for me" and he left.
Sam Kinison, the comedian, died in a car crash, and his freinds stood around and listened to him talking with his eyes shut, he started off saying "but I dont want to die" and then he said a couple other comments that I dont recall, but they were showing those around him that he was coming around to feeling a-ok about leaving, the he said "Alright, ok" and then he left.
His freinds were thankful that they saw that.
When july fourth, 50 years after the forth of july 1776, thomans jeffeson and john adams both died within minutes. Jefferson died first.
John Adams, who was in Mass, his last words were, "jefferson lives!"
I dont think it is a stretch to believe that Jefferson met him at death and said "I just died, but I live" "tell them I live".
Whatever, I think we have quite a bit of evidence from people near death, to find some assurance that Stepan is not only OK, but really happy. The similarities of stories of those that are near death are this..............those you love show up. There is a kindness.