The experience of Rawat's meditation -- GRINDING BOREDOM
Re: Re: Sure, MC. Meditation should be and is FREE. -- MickCable Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

07/18/2005, 17:13:58
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The "experience" of Rawat's stupid meditation techniques is boredom, with possibly a few "experiences" here and there of relaxation or mild contentment, which is interpreted by the brainwashed premies as something spectacular. 

It's so boring that in order to keep his devotees involved at all, he has reduced the amount of meditation premies are supposed to do to ONE hour a day.  Now, if it was so great, don't you think it would be more than that?

Back in the 80s and before, you were supposed to do a minimum of TWO hours of meditation a day.

But most premies don't meditate hardly at all, and some almost never, because it's just fucking boring, useless, and a waste of time.  What they are actually into is a religion, in which Prem Rawt is the messiah and getting to be around him and serving him makes them feel they are getting to do what the apostles got to do with Jesus.

Most premies will tell you honestly that they hardly meditate, and if they do, it's because Rawat said they were supposed to do it.  In the beginning, they might believe that by meditating they are connecting with Rawat the incarnation of God, but that's hard to maintain as a motivation, giving the grinding, boredom of sitting there with your thumbs in your ears, trying to have "an experience."  Even premies feel ridiculous doing it.  So, they mostly just shuck it off, feeling mildly guilty for being too "in their minds" such that they don't want to have "the most beautiful experience of peace," which they are indoctrinated to believe is what you are supposed to get if you meditate, although for some reason (mostly your confusion or whatever), you almost never do.

Look, I did the meditation religiously for 10 years, and I can tell you it was 99% a complete waste of time.  I'm not saying that meditation might be beneficial for some people, but as a relaxation technique, not as some stupid, "divine experience."  It just ain't there if you are not cult-brainwashed and able to think.

Kudos to you, and whatever influences in your life that enable you to see that the Emperor has no clothes.  Not a stitch.

Modified by Joe at Mon, Jul 18, 2005, 17:18:09

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