Maharaji by virtue of his message is illegitimate in the eyes of the world.If I'm not mistaken, Rawat's "message" is that "peace is within." Now that's a very acceptable and popular message to many people. Lots of people are preaching that message.
The reason Rawat is illegitimate in the eyes of the world is because of his past, and his present obsessions with money, prestige, adulation, etc. and also his ongoing alcoholism, womanizing and grotesque pursuit of crass materialism.
He's not even a nice person, as his "trainings" clearly demonstrate.
Much of the world is pretty much convinced by now that inner peace is the source of personal happiness, provided the basics of human neccesities pre-exist. Rawat's meditation techniques don't provide this. Or let's say "rarely" provide this.
There are myriad ways now available to experience transcendence and the "god spot" in the brain. Rawat's methods are an outdated, hit-and-miss affair that work only for what seems to be a small percentage of the people who employ them.
Rawat will never achieve the "legitimacy" he craves. He just doesn't "have it." Most anyone who listens to his vacuous, puerile "teachings" walk away shaking their heads.
Rawat should work on himself first. He needs some serious psychotherapy if he is even to reach the humaness of even his "lowliest" follower. But we all know that ain't gonna happen.