You wrote:
There was a time when it was a cult. I'll be first to admit that. For some it no doubt still is.
Does Rawat have any responsibility to straighten these people out? And if so, how? I've got some ideas. I think that, at minimum, he should:
1) Enter into some actual dialogues with people. Allow them to ask him questions, real questions, and talk openly and honestly with him. That thing about suppressing or ignoring doubt? Bad! Throw it out the window. It's the hallmark of a cult leader and Rawat, if he's sincere, would want to assiduously avoid having anyone make that mistake on his behalf again, don't you think?
2) Come clean about the past. Explain, as fully as possible, who he thinks he is and how he got there? What gave him the right, at age eight, to declare himself a spiritual master? Or to tell the world, at 12, that he was the Supreme Lord in person, come with more power than ever before? What mistakes has he made and how, if at all, has he undermined or exploited the unquestioning trust he demanded of his followers?
3) Stop doing things that might mistakenly lead people into worshipping him. We all know what they are. He should stop them if he doesn't want to mislead people.
So what do you think, Jonx? What steps should Rawat take in this regard? Oh, and seeing as he's not a cult leader or anything, are you willing to send him these ideas (or whatever ones you have)?