Re: OK, fair enough
Re: OK, fair enough -- Tempora Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
nya ®

06/21/2005, 13:49:52
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Hi Tempora,

Appreciate your point. Yes it is harmless to those who come for the nice feeling and the positive spin on peace etc.

However, it is part of a plan. The propagation machine wants a lot of fringe interest, because it is the way to present the keys and Rawat as genuine. With a number of people around who are not deeply involved, who do not give money, it is much easier to portray Rawat as a nice guy motivational speaker who happens to be full of the milk of human kindness and want to give you the keys to your own experience of the heart out of goodness and generosity.

You see, that is how the game works. There have to be a lot of newcomers being happy to be part of the group, to have been 'selected' to get the keys (classic group psychology - the eliteness of membership).

This is also good spin. The newcomers sing the praises after they are 'selected'', because they are now warm and happy full members of the group (another classic manipulative technique)

 That is why the Rawats are churning out the promotional material and the broadcasts. It is to have that constant flux of new people to mask the game with the old timers, the ones who donate money, time, and resources. It also entertains the old timers by giving them something to talk about, eg 'did you see how blissed out that new girl B is, she is just really getting into knowledge..... you know, classic group behaviours that shore up the beliefs of the group, and bond them in a wise elder role.

This also legitimises the Rawat position that all giving is voluntary, all involvement is voluntary. And it is.

There is no doubt that is why they have been around so long.

The only problem for them, is that lack of information is just as illegal is misinformation. And their other problem is simply 'live by the sword, die by the sword'; or in the words of some earlier sage ás you sow, so shall you reap'"

Or there is that other quote by a German poet Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small

In other words, truth will out!








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