Another word: ASHAMED and Amaroo Paticipation Video
Re: Unfounded -- Will Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

06/14/2005, 11:57:24
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That's the way I feel.   Every time the cult does something so dispicable like this, so obviously hypocritical in relation to what it pretends is Rawat's real "mission," I am even more ashamed that I was ever a part of a cult that is so deceptive, dishonest, lacking in morals, and with no values whatsoever (other than money and serving their screwed up leader).

I'm a little outraged today, because somebody sent me a copy of a Rawat video entitled "Amaroo Participation Video, 1997" in which Rawat sits in front of a group of sychophant devotees, who sit mesmerized, as Rawat cracks jokes, and then proceeds to repeat over and over the destructive, dysfunctional and just plain false, ideology that their minds are out to get them, will attack them when they are the most vulnerable, and that they always have to be on guard (and basically pray for help from Prem Rawat), to protect them from a part of their own beings. 

Rawat never explains how this all came to be, nor why the glorious "knowledge" is somehow incapable of anything except give you ammunition in this apparently life-long fight with yourself, which premies seem to accept as true without question.

It was one of the most anti-human, regressive, sick, philosophies spouted from the obese Rawat I have ever heard, all while he smiles, cuts jokes, and tells anecdotal stores about airplanes and how screwed up all the premies are because they fight with each other all the time.

It was insulting and sick, but the premies seemed to love it, which is even more sick.

I wonder if "aspirants" are told what Rawat really believes about all this.  At what point in the "keys" process are people told Rawat's sick belief system about the "evil mind?"  They have to be told it at some point, because it is the essence of the belief system of the Rawat cult.  Without the devil that is the "evil mind," there is no need for Mr. Rawat.  So, as far as his belief system is concerned, it's essential, and boy did he pour it on those Aussies in 1997.   

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