OK, Danny, I sent them all this
Re: If you're serious! -- Danny Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

06/12/2005, 15:53:51
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Thanks for the tip.  I just sent the following to the guys you suggested.  I also note that Susan had earlier sent Padron an email to which he'd tersely responded that her "concerns were acknowledged".  One wonders what's really going on there.  Anyway, we'll see if my emails get any responses. 
This is an email I originally sent to Miami Dade College's alumni foundation and the school's administration.  Frankly, it's bad enough when nefarious cult's such as Prem Rawat's rent public facilities at local colleges.  Seeing MDC's president, Eduardo Padron, actually endorse this group as demonstrated in the link below, is outrageous.  Make no mistake, Prem Rawat is a parasitic cult leader who still encourages people to kiss his feet and worship him as divine.  He presents a different face to the general public, speaking in vague, circular cliches about "peace" and the like but everything he and his organization do is designed with one goal in mind: to ensnare more followers.  I urge you to do the due diligence on Prem Rawat President Padron neglected to conduct and to ensure that MDC and the Florida Department of Education take whatever steps necessary to remedy this situation. 
Jim Heller 
To Whom it May Concern:
This is a link to a poster advertising a programmed scheduled at the college on June 19th:
The featured speaker, Prem Rawat, is, in fact, a notorious cult leader who has made millions duping people into believing that he is God in human form.  In that respect, he is better known to the world as Maharaji or Guru Maharaj Ji.  His so-called "message of peace" is simply that people should side-step whatever questions or doubts they have and follow him.  He claims he can show them their real "heart" which speaks in a language that he alone can translate.  He might not openly proclaim, as he once did, that he is the Lord of the Universe and Saviour of Mankind but that is still the prime substance of his teaching.  He still continues to demand slavish devotion and unquestioning faith.  In short, he is the essential cult leader, dangerous, opportunistic, predatory and deceitful. 
Mr. Rawat has tried to use the good offices of the UN or the Italian parliament to establish some desperately needed credibility.  For instance, you'll note in the ad the reference and picture of his speaking "at the UN".  Although Mr. Rawat's cult merely rented a UN hall for one of their private meetings, they have continued to suggest, as they do here, that the UN has somehow sanctioned Mr. Rawat's bona fides.  If you allow this event to go ahead, you can rest assure that Mr. Rawat will forever associate his name with your institution such as to suggest that you have approve, indeed applaud, his activities. 
Here is a link to a website run by former members of this cult:
I would strongly suggest that you investigate this man thoroughly and properly before you allow this event to go ahead.  At the very minimum, if for whatever reason you cannot stop it, you should carefully review whatever rights this cult will have to use your college's name in future advertising.  You might also want to inquire how your administration allowed this to happen to begin with.  Having your president apparently vouch for an infamous cult leader can't be something the alumni foundation should be happy about. 
Jim Heller
P.S. I would have circulated this message more broadly, to your Board of Trustees and administration but your website's contact page was down.  Only the alumni foundation addresses were available.  Please feel free to forward this warning to anyone you deem appropriate.

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