'accepted an invitation' - what a charade!
Re: Joy to the UK -- NikW Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Babaluji ®

06/11/2005, 11:17:04
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I'm sure that there must be some historical precedent to the Perfect Master being invited going back to Shri Hans and beyond.  I wonder how that went.  We've been told that Shri Hans spent a lot of time in train stations as he traveled around spreading his brand of Perfect Master Bhakti joy.

I would imagine that the rigors of traveling were such that one would want some decent accommodations upon arrival.  And one would want the ashram, if there was one, to be neat and tidy.  So, my guess is that premies in the old days did invite the Master to come and he would show up more often if things were nice and pleasant.

But, then the Master's accepting invitations might also be a function of how many premies were in the community, too.  Let's not forget that more premies in a community directly translated into more gifts in the darshan line.  And the Perfect Master, even though he doles out peace to mankind, must keep an eye on the bottom line.  Things start getting expensive back home when you have a wife and kids and a consort or two.

So, we can see that a historic precedent probably exists for the Master needing to be invited.  But, come on.  I thought that all that Indian Hindu stuff was yesterday and Maharaji was here to blow everyone's concepts away in order to make everyone free.  Yet, Maharaji seems to stubbornly hold on to the invitation concept.

Here's a classic quote from Maharaji:

"Not even a leaf moves a millimetre without Maharaji's wish."

So, why does he need to be invited to anything when he's in perfect control of everything?  Ok, that's a bit trite, but, oh well.

I think that one reason Maharaji insists on this charade is because of his vanity.

In watching Maharaji's Key's video and recent videos we see a man who is completely in love with himself.  His manner of speech has changed much through out the years starting with a young boy with a heavy Hindi accent through his screeching period of the 80's and early 90's and now onto a phase of many pregnant pin-drop silent pauses interspersed with booming emphasis and lots of finger wagging and looks of astonishment regarding his own sheer and utterly mad brilliance.  And he's doing it all while mugging shamelessly to the camera.  

You see, this is my life! It always will be! Nothing else! Just us, the cameras, and those wonderful people out there in the dark!... All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up.

And let's not forget the fact that Maharaji's favorite topic always seems to be himself flying his jet plane or whatever.  Sadly, that's about the only time when his speeches are even slightly coherent.  The rest is rambling on and on.

Another reason why I think that the 'invitation' concept is bogus is because it's just not like the old days anymore.  And clearly Maharaji does call the shots.  He knows that he needs to go out on tour to promote himself and to keep the cash cow alive.  That's it.  It's all down to the bottom line.  I don't care how rich the 'self made' millionaire Maharaji claims himself to be because he's absolutely got to have huge expenses to cover every month if not every day.

The latest 'release' from Maharaji is the Keys.  And just like a rock and roll band that needs to tour to promote a new album Maharaji has to get out and tour.

Finally, it's funny that Maharaji has accepted an invitation in England because we know that lately when he is invited to England that he actually flies his private jet to Paris every night so he can overnight there with his little lap dog.  It sure must be lonely at the top when you're the Perfect Master.

Maharaji and Paris Hilton have more in common than just their love for their little lap dogs - they've both got giggle.


Modified by Babaluji at Sat, Jun 11, 2005, 12:19:46

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