There is hope then
Re: Re: Mike, healing can take years -- Andries Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Henna ®

06/04/2005, 16:03:58
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Hi Andries,

Mental patient my behind. What came first?  The chicken or the egg? 

You know what is "funny" A.?  Rawat himself said in a Aurora event, and a few more I can rememeber well, that K. was for eveybody, even people who didn't had all the marbles in place.  These days is not.  Wow, we became all mentally ill in his book.

I wonder who he saying today about children, young ones.  I saw many of them at events and they were welcome! 

The "little courageous man" , as David Mancoff called him, suffers of amnesia maybe. 

No, we didn't start the fire, he did, lying and deceiving us as he wants now to deceive the general public. Isn't that special??

Good regards A.

your writting has gotten better.

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