Here's what Charles said about you awful ex-premies
Re: Whatever Happened to Charles, Mr "mjtruth"? A beautiful premie -- Pauline Premie Top of thread Forum
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Pauline Premie ®

06/01/2005, 11:40:05
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It's one thing to have questions about Knowledge. It's quite another to dedicate your life to hurting Maharaji personally and to prevent others from practicing Knowledge. That's the Hate Club. There are really only 4 or 5 of them, but they have a loud and bullying way of dominating the agenda. They have publicly vowed to let no positive expression about Knowledge go unsmeared. No matter what is said, these hardy few will scream and scream and scream until reasonable people give up and go away. Which is just what the Hate Club wants. They have publicly stated their agenda plain and simple. They will do and say anything to destroy Maharaji and the practice of Knowledge. It is utterly astonishing. Their hallmark is a complete and total inability to say anything positive.

They have posted the most intimate of private information about Maharaji and his family and children, and embellished it with perverted sexual content and worse. They have contacted several premies' employers to "warn" them about a dangerous cult. They spend hours -- I'm not kidding -- planning and plotting about how to disrupt public programs and scare people away from attending. The sickest part is that when confronted with the immorality of their behavior, they only say "Maharaji's a public figure, I can say and do whatever I want." As if that made their behavior appropriate or even legal.
So driven is the Hate Club, that they have made disgusting "deals with the Devil." One Hate Club leader is now being paid to track Maharaji by a racist, anti-religious movement which has been condemned internationally by feminists, Catholics, Jews, Muslims and even the United States Congress. In France, one of these people actually got on the radio and encouraged listeners to phone in bomb threats. But the harassment goes from the global to the local. I ought to know. After this website first appeared, I was harassed at work, got threatening e-mail, they published my picture and phone number world-wide on the Internet to encourage others to abuse me and much more. Those decent people who condemned this were bloodied and badgered by the Hate Club until they finally left. (On the bright side, I've gotten letters from several who are practicing Knowledge again!).

It's been said elsewhere, but I think these few --and you can spot them right away by the insulting way they talk-- are the saddest of the lot, because like spurned and obsessed lovers, they will go to almost any length to get the attention they crave. I mean, honestly, what does it take to spend the amount of time on this that they do? Quite a recipe: one part loneliness, two parts bitterness, a pound of confusion and a pinch of paranoia. Mix well and serve very hot.

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