Please Note: Shri Hans and Pauline Premie are make-believe
Re: I think you are like a to kid me -- Shri Hans Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Shri Hans ®

06/02/2005, 14:20:09
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First,Shri Hans is a make-believe character based on Maharaji's real father. Pauline Premie, I'm sorry Pauline, but I've got to out you, is also make-believe.

I'm sure every person here who knows and loves 'Pauline Premie' cares about her deeply because in many ways she represents who we were. Ok, maybe not everything she's ever done. Besides, selling a kidney to get money to see Maharaji is illegal. However, selling your plasma isn't and I know people who have done that to either feed their kids or to see Maharaji.

The story in the above post is fictional.

However, the incidents mentioned are based on real experiences. In fact, the experiences are drawn from at least four different premie women I have met or have seen and observed throughout the years as a premie.

From what I saw and have heard the women in the cult suffered the most and lost the most. And if I'm wrong I'm sure I'll be corrected on this.

And not that we're going to have a Queen For the Day contest, but I think it's true. There were a lot of women who either didn't have children because of the cult and Maharaji's strong messages warning against having children or there were single moms trying to raise children and trying to attend programs on a shoe-string premie budget. And I bet that there were some single moms because the husband and fathers were lured to live in Maharaji's ashrams. Or there were single moms because the husband ran off to do service for Maharaji. Can anyone verify that?

Maharaji's cult was a brutal psychological gulag.

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