Yo Hammy.......
Re: How deep Nar, as deep as LTJ Bukem at his finest -- hamzen Top of thread Forum
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04/16/2005, 19:05:07
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No, haven't heard of it.  

Hammy, please read your response to me, again.  In it I find no reference to what "deep" means to you or anything else that would give me a clue as to what it is that you mean.  This is what I'm talking about. 

You see, I don't buy off on the old saw that "internal" experiences can't be discussed in plain language.  That is just an excuse made up by the eastern religions to keep people from asking questions or even questioning the experience within themselves.  Even though it isn't independently verifiable, that doesn't mean that it can't be placed into terms that others can understand.  I think that is part of the "mystical" mantra that is repeated over and over again.  Heck, I can describe, in great detail, everything that I've seen, heard or felt (although feeling is a bit tougher), whether it was internal or external. 

Questioning an experience doesn't denigrate it, unless it happens to be false.  In fact, if your experiences are "true," questioning them should make it apparent, at least to yourself, that they can stand close scrutiny.

You know where I stand on those things.  Admittedly, I think they are brain chemistry at work.  How did I come to that conclusion?  By questioning them and looking for the factual data that would help me to understand what those experiences might have been, despite their "utterly powerful nature."  Hey, I had some of those, too, ya know......  By questioning them, and the brain within which they occur, I came to my conclusion.  However, I can qualify, if not quantify, those experiences for anyone who asks me to do so. 

That is what I'm talking about, Hammy...... Even though I seriously doubt the "spiritual nature" of those experiences, outside a simply(?) physical cause, I don't doubt that they occur.  How can I? I had them, too!

Last, but certainly not least, I didn't mean to come across quite so rough on you in that other post.  As you mentioned in the latter part of your post, it isn't the norm..... especially when I am speaking with you, in particular.  All I meant to say was, "What do you mean by deep?"  15 deet, 33 feet, 99 feet, 1000 feet, 6 inches....... your nose is just underwater?  What? 

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