Well, hurrumph to you too, madam!
Re: Fine, cq -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
cq ®

03/15/2005, 12:44:46
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"Fine, you counsel Andries, and all of the other ex-premies who are not posting on this forum because of my insensitivity".

Cynth, what on earth makes you think that I consider myself to be qualified to be a counsellor?

OK, I've been on the receiving end of counselling a few times in my life, and even recently participated in a 5-day seminar called "An Introduction to Counselling Skills", but no way would I be so foolish or arrogant to suggest that I actually am qualified in the skills that are required of a real counsellor.

And - correct me if I'm wrong - but I don't think you have any qualifications in counselling either. Doubtless you've learned something about it as a consequence of the therapy you've had over the years, and I'm not trying to belittle your understanding in any way. But, Cynth, it doesn't make you a counsellor any more than if I broke a leg, it would mean that I could set other people's fractures. Know what I mean?

One thing I've found through my involvement with the Rajneesh movement is that the attraction of considering oneself "wise" enough to be able to counsel other people is a dangerous path. Not just for oneself, but more importantly for the people who can be harmed in the process. I learnt recently that a counsellor's primary commitment is to maintain a "respectful, positive regard" toward the client at all times.

Until I can show such a regard to all people, regardless of their faults, foibles and follies, I know I've not got the skills to be a counsellor. And if I pretended I did, I'd just be f**king with their lives, and quite probably laying my own judgement trips on them, stifling their true expression, and harming them in the process.

So no, thanks for the invite, but Andries and his situation is not for me to play counsellor with. Sorry to be so blunt about it, but that's how I feel.

Modified by cq at Tue, Mar 15, 2005, 12:47:03

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