Richard Cooper is currently identifying opportunities for Maharaji to both present his message to new audiences and to receive public recognition for his efforts.
with: Richard Cooper
What kinds of projects are you working on?
We’re looking to develop speaking opportunities that could help build the public’s appreciation for Maharaji as a leading voice for peace. One example is the recent TPRF sponsored event at Harvard University’s Sanders Theatre. Another would be Maharaji’s presentation in Italy to the former Prime Minister and to members of the Parliament.
These would be introductory events, right?
Not really. We have more to do with fostering recognition and enhancing Maharaji’s legitimacy than with having more people become his students. Our efforts, for example, enable your newsletter to report about the Italian and Harvard events. Those are powerful statements about the legitimacy of Maharaji’s work.
CNA: What is planned for the future?
We’re looking at some unique speaking engagements and at ways for Maharaji to be formally acknowledged for his work. A US Governor recently recognized Maharaji “in honor of his exemplary career, life accomplishments, and many contributions to [our] citizens”. We’d like to pursue more tributes like that.
How do tributes like that come about?
I work with people in North America who would like to see their city, state or university offer Maharaji some kind of award, letter of appreciation or honorary degree. All kinds of institutions have mechanisms in place to honor persons of merit - I help people work with those mechanisms.