Complexity and Contradiction: This Aspirant Needs an Aspirin, Please
Re: A reply to Jonathan from below... -- Elisa Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jonathan ®

02/10/2005, 05:47:47
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Elisa, your posts and people's responses have been really great. One thing to bear in mind: this kind of discourse happens in everyday life. It's normal to exchange views. In the events and videos that I have seen, there is no discourse, no give and take. True, in some videos, Maharaji appears to accept questions, but even the most casual observer would agree that those questions are pre-arranged.

And, even the most ardent premies would concur that events, which turn into broadcasts, are so carefully choreographed, controlled, and edited, they make Leni Riefenstahl films look like non-biased war reporting.

Unfortunately, yesterday I was out of town, and didn't get to read this thread until this morning. There is nothing earth-shattering for me to add. But, I would like to respond to your statement:

"So this is really up to each individual; opportunities are being provided and choices are being made based on knowing oneself and being true to oneself.  Very simple and straight forward."

Elisa! "Opportunities" are not being presented. "Individual" thought processes are not encouraged. "Choices" are not promoted. How could you write and believe this, Elisa? "Simple and straightforward?" Hardly!

Screening weekly satellite broadcasts, events, and home videos, one thing is apparent: Rawat's introductory material is designed to deceive new followers. By effectively using techniques of propaganda, Rawat attempts to create and instill an otherwise transparent desire inside his initiates, i.e. the  "awakening."

If  aspirants wish to become a premie, they must demonstrate that their "doubt-maker" (read: critical thinking ability) has been cryogenically anesthetized and removed, much like wart removal.

Why must doubt be removed? When was it ever acceptable for organization to recruit new members on the basis of deception and fraud, Elisa? Even an army recruiter feels an obligation to tell bright-eyed teenagers about the vagaries of war.

And, why does Rawat not disclose information about the meditation techniques before aspirants become indoctrinated? Why is he constantly reinventing his organization? Why won't he agree to an interview with a non-biased, non-premie journalist (i.e., a reporter that he has not paid)?

"Simple and Straightforward," Elisa? It's more like "complex and contradictory."


Modified by Jonathan at Thu, Feb 10, 2005, 11:18:21

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