Further, one swears or vows to "give "Knowledge" a fair chance. Thus further delaying a process of evaluation until such time as deeper and more entrenched conditioning is in place, which of course further and further reduces the ability of an individual to defend himself from the myriad destabilizations inherent in the process of coercive persuasion.
Absolutely. It's a wonder that cults don't need to come with warning labels. How is it that the recording industry must emblazon certain artists' work with parental advisory labels, get Rawat gets keys to many US cities? What you write is totally true, that, by delaying the critical thinking process for as long as possible, the cult successfully completes the indoctrination process. It's very coercive and very harmful...much more so than explicit song lyrics, in my opinion.
Of course I don't really think it would be feasible to require that cults carry warning labels. But then again, if the government can make the recording industry do it, then why not make Rawat Grot carry warning labels?