I saw it too -- and related to that ----
Re: Re: are you Marianne Faithful? -- Marianne Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

02/09/2005, 20:09:28
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Marianne Faithful was great, and that play was terrific.

Have you seen Caroline, or Change?  -- the new Tony Kushner play? Really want to see that.  It got rave reviews.  It's also in SF for a few months.

And speaking of Burroughs, have you read any of Augusten Burrough's books? 

"Running with Scissors" is incredible, and I understand that it's being made into a movie with Annette Bening playing the crazy mother. 

Also "Dry" about his recovery from alcoholism, and his newest book is called "Magical Thinking" that is a series of essays.   Actually, "magical thinking" also has a lot to do with cults.

He's really a brilliant writer, and he has had one of the most screwed up lives I could imagine.

He's a combination of David Sedaris and John Waters.  (That's what the Boston Globe called him).

See, I got all this OT in one post.

Modified by Joe at Wed, Feb 09, 2005, 20:10:37

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