Re: I saw it too -- and related to that ---- OT
Re: I saw it too -- and related to that ---- -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Marianne ®

02/09/2005, 20:17:33
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Joe, why don't we run into each other at these things?!

Did I tell you I went to the pro choice rally a couple of weeks ago, and some of the anti abortion people (lots of priests in robes saying the rosary) had signs saying "pro choice = pro satan". I am not kidding. Like right out of a Church Lady skit on SNL! There were quite a few of these signs so this wasn't someone who blended in and tried to make a joke.

Do you have a copy of "Running with Scissors" that I can borrow? I keep meaning to read it.

xxx, Marianne


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