Are you Faithful, Marianne?
Re: Re: are you Marianne Faithful? -- Marianne Top of thread Forum
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Tempora ®

02/10/2005, 01:57:15
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Marianne Faithful is one clever and still immensely attractive woman.
She appears fairly regularly on Brit TV on retrospective programs on the 60s, and the like.

I think As Tears Go By was probably the 5th single I bought - after The World of Gurney Slade, Mule Skinner Blues by the Fendermen, Where Did Our Love Go by the Supremes and Where Are You Now, My Love by Jacki Trent.

She is also a fabulous raconteuse, as witnessed by her Autobiog 'Faithful' (virtually - more or less just written down by the ghost writer, it's her own voice throughout).
This is a must for anyone who wants an authentic and glorious picture of the coming of the 60s, and the rise of the monarchical Stones.
Great stuff about Brian - wanting to play tapes of his African recordings to the chimps on Gibraltar, but they all ran away, so he took another trip.

Tremendous woman.

Lives in Ireland now.

The ghost writer, David Dalton, seems to have written some excellent stuff: Piece of My Heart: On the Road with Janis Joplin; James Dean The Mutant King; Mr Mojo Risin - Jim Morrison, The Last Holy Fool.

Probably the best rock autobiog I have read is Stoned by Andrew Oldham.

Rock fans please rush out and buy Faithful and Stoned instantly.

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