Re: Let's see what the Keys will have to say about this.
Re: Re: Let's see what the Keys will have to say about this. -- Elisa Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Will ®

02/09/2005, 11:06:40
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I would prefer that you don't respond to the various tangents that might arise from my post in this thread.  If you wish to discuss one of those tangents, would you a start a new thread, please?   In this thread, I would prefer to stick with the issue of exclusivity.  That is what I was trying to address when I used the phrase "Maharaji as giver of the experience."  You immediately focused on the word "giver" when I could have used a different word to convey the same meaning that I intended. 

I will in fact use a different word, in a minute.  But first I want to point out that Maharaji has so many times spoken of himself as the unique giver of this Knowledge, e.g.:

Guru Maharaj Ji, how do we realize Truth? Is it really possible?

You must ask the Master how to do it. That is why that power manifests itself into a body into the Perfect Master.  If you find him, you will get it; if you don't find him, you won't get it. He is not in caves or mountains. Search and you will find him.

This is just one small example among hundreds, maybe thousands.  Even today, Rawat is presented as the "shower" of this experience, to use another word besides "giver."  An even more temperate term would be "teacher" of this experience.  Even more publically acceptable terms would be "inspirer and nuturer" of this experience.

The question remains, does Rawat offer something that depends upon himself in some way?  Is it exclusive to him?  You can see why I would like the Keys to demonstrate clearly what parts of Maharaji's past message is not included in the present message, and then we could consentrate on the message of 2005.  By we, I mean both premies and exes.

One of six Keys will no doubt deal with the role of the Master.

The question of this thread is the exclusivity question.  Please don't side-step it with semantics.

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