Re: This is Written by my Spouse who is a Premie
Re: This is Written by my Spouse who is a Premie -- Jonathan Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

02/04/2005, 02:10:09
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Dear Jonathan's Spouse,

With due respect, I'm not blind, a liar or crazy.

I'm not going to say anything else to you about your life as a premie or my life as an ex-premie, because you and Jonathan are a couple.  I cannot risk saying something that might cause problems between you and your spouse.

I've been married for almost twenty-five years and I consider my relationship with my husband to be far more important and valuable than my relationship with anyone else. 

If you want to discuss something on this forum, you might want to consider registering under you own moniker and posting on your own.  Until then, it doesn't feel comfortable to me to have a discussion with you through Jonathan.

Btw, your questions are all rhetorical.

Best wishes,


Modified by Cynthia at Fri, Feb 04, 2005, 02:23:55

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