I completely agree
Re: This is Written by my Spouse who is a Premie -- Jonathan Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Derm ®

02/03/2005, 22:37:46
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It has nothing to do with Maharaji.

 Yep, I agree with that.

The techniques he's made his multi-millions from ( detailed on the EPO website) are pretty bog standard yoga meditation techniques.Personally I think the " nectar" technique is a real drag. Some people enjoy that one though I can't for the life of me work out what they actually enjoy about it.Still, horses for courses.

Once every other blue moon I do a little med if I feel like it. I do a fair bit of standard yoga....asanas and what not, too. My favourite is the corpse .... really easy that one : )

Mike Finch is into med, too. Check out his website if you get sick of using the techniques Rawat makes his millions from. I think Mike's into the Buddhist types of med.

As you say, though,none of it has anything to do with Rawat. Try telling him that, though!

Modified by Derm at Thu, Feb 03, 2005, 22:55:36

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